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A member registered Sep 07, 2022

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little warning for apple gamers: game can't start up somehow on my pc it causes lag and it costs storage, however I might be an idiot who doesn't know how these thing work, it still costs 91 megabyte. the game looks like fun Ill try playing it in the future or just try learning how to not be an idiot.

I just completed the original changed so I really want to play the game because I'm bore

it can't start games/softwares above 100MB for some reason also installing games can take up to a month so yes its really REALLY crappy

I found out my pc is to crappy to start the game lo

can you upload the game to steam or somethin'

I tried starting the Mac version but it says 'you have no access to open the app changedberserkdeluxe ask your computer or networkowner for assistance' I am the owne

I really want to play the game but.... I got a Mac lol